HTZ Updates – 2024.7

August 29, 2024

Explore the new features in this month's release: HTZ v.2024.7. Users can access the latest release through the customer portal.

Antenna library - A new 2D antenna pattern has been added: "Uniform array". The H and V patterns are generated according to:

  • the number of array elements
  • the spacing factor between elements (uniform)
  • the frequency.

Vector Points - A new format has been introduced for vector points: "point,coordcode,x,y,size,color,ident,comment,object #,Selected,elevation,BMP_filename", with BMP_filename = Name of the image file (BMP format) with 15 characters max without the extension. The file must be located in the "Images" subfolder of the main installation folder. The associated image display is not yet implemented. Only the format has been adjusted for now.

Clutter settings
- The "No diffraction if clutter code =" option has been replaced by "Non-penetrable if clutter code=". If the selected clutter code is crossed, the field strength computed behind such clutter obstacles is set to 0. If the value is set to "-1", there will be no impact on the calculations. This option is useful for tunnels with altitude variations that cannot be modelled using an Indoor project.

Rest API – A new function has been added to assign MW links. Only activated MW will be assigned.


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