2nd Annual Spectrum MGT Summit

January 17, 2023
2nd ATDI Spectrum Management Summit - program

ATDI extends a warm invitation to our annual Spectrum Management Summit. This half-day event focuses on topical issues relating to spectrum management and our latest software solutions. The online sessions combine a series of presentations and live demos from subject experts across the team.

Attendance is free. Want to receive the post-event recording? Register using the links below and a link will be supplied after the event.

Dates: Tuesday 14 February

Register for Session 1 at 09.30hrs CET
Register for Session 2 at 13.00hrs EST / 10.00hrs PST

Delivery: Zoom

Program Overview

Session 1:  Spectrum management challenges at the national and European level
Our keynote speaker will look at questions facing spectrum management over the coming years focusing on how spectrum management is addressed at a national and EU level, and how spectrum policy interleaves within this structure. The speaker will look at International and EU harmonisation and how this is supported by European standardisation. The session will address some of the key initiatives from the RSPG including RA/5G, Drones and MFCN, the 3.8-4.2GHz band and ITU 5.9GHz.

Session 3: Spectrum coordination challenges & mitigation strategy: Satellite -vs- MW Links
This presentation demonstrates how to leverage coexistence studies in shared bands between fixed service (FS) and fixed satellite service (FSS), as defined by ITU-R regulations using ATDI tools.

The presenter will give background information about ITU radio regulations, coexistence rules and parameters for interference calculations. The session will guide delegates through importing data from the relevant databases from satellite earth stations and MW links into HTZ using ICS manager. Once imported, the session will undertake a compatibility study, covering: 

  • Parameters, propagation models, cartographic data
  • Different approaches to performing interference calculations and frequency assignment
  • An outline of how to interpret the results.

This session will identify how data extracted from external databases are imported directly into the software for coexistence analysis.

Session 4: Protecting Aeronautical ATC Radars from 5G
With 5G network rollouts underway, mobile network operators must mitigate the impact of 5G base stations on existing infrastructure. This event will demo how to identify interference from 5G towers and potential mitigation techniques using the recognised interference criteria. The session will cover the subjects outlined below and will include a live demo: 

  • An overview of 5G beamforming antennas & spectrum in the 2.7–4 GHz band
  • ATC radar modelling & associated protection criteria
  • In-band/out-of-band interference calculations
  • Mitigation measures to avoid interference

The session will also cover interference scenarios between 5G and aircraft radio altimeters. Using HTZ, the presenter will demo the impact of 5G on altimeter aeronautical radars. Using HTZ, exclusion zones are predicted to protect aeroplane altimeter radars and allow mobile network operators to gain planning approval for base stations near airports. 

Session 5: ICS Portal – spectrum applications management,  automated spectrum assignment and network operations
This session will demonstrate ATDI’s web solution for automating and streamlining spectrum management processes to improve performance. The live demo will showcase ICS Portal, giving an overview of the complete workflow of a frequency request from submission by an operator to its assignment by the regulator, including automated notifications and user management. This easy-to-use solution provides real-time access to network coverage maps publishing the latest network information. The portal displays maps for internal and external users with the option to turn on/off network elements to show the coverage impact of lost stations or to manage network coverage during network maintenance.

This session targets regulation authorities, both military and civil, as well as network operators.

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