HTZ Updates - September 2024

September 26, 2024

Jamming Efficiency (J/S): Supports microwave links and includes features for creating J/N maps using jammer coverage and receiver noise levels, as well as jammer location optimisation for jamming efficiency. Now supports radars and includes NATO pick symbol and editor integration.

DF Localisation Accuracy Map: Adds a "Use SNR table" method, allowing DF accuracy to be extracted based on a user-defined SNR table for improved localisation precision.
Multipoint / Link Hop Report: Computes hop numbers between linked stations, analysing all possible paths for managing latency in MANET networks.
Windfarm C/I or I/N Map (Bi-Static): New uplink coverage option for analysing windfarm interference.

RAF File Import: Supports adaptive modulation parameters in version 5 format.
2D Antenna Pattern – Uniform Array: Generates H and V antenna patterns based on array element count, spacing, and frequency.
Vector Points Format Update: Introduces a new format for vector points with PNG file naming conventions.
Magnetic Declination: Provides the magnetic declination for any selected point.
Google Earth Export: Supports KML+PNG or KMZ exports with 256-colour palette for coverage and stations.
MSI and PLT File Import: Bulk antenna changes now support MSI and PLT file formats.
Thresholds Field: RS thresholds for 3G, 4G, and 5G stations added to the STATIONX64 table.

New Google Server URLs: New URLs implemented for Google server access.
Open Sea Map Geoportal: Provides access to online maps with transparency.

Clutter Settings Update: The "Non-penetrable if clutter code=" option replaces the old "No diffraction" feature, setting field strength to zero when crossing selected clutter codes, ideal for tunnels with altitude variations.
HF Module Integration: Now part of HTZ’s main Tools menu, no longer an add-on. The "Move to My Location" button relocates a site to the current GPS position for improved site management.
Sound Pressure to Sound Power Level Converter: New converter added, calculating sound power level based on distance from the source and the directivity factor (Q).



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