ICS RF Allocations

Management and publication of frequency allocation tables for spectrum regulators
Create & publish FAT
Analyse radio frequency services
Build & publish detailed documentation
Radio Interface Regulations
Frequency band edition
Create & edit reports

Product Overview

National Governments are responsible for managing the radio spectrum to ensure its use conforms with international treaty obligations. They must also combine that role by ensuring they meet demands for spectrum from both civil and military sectors. Spectrum plans are created to meet government policies and targets, and a Frequency Allocation Table (FAT) illustrates how spectrum is allocated for each country.

ICS RF-allocations publishes Frequency Allocation Tables (FAT) and Radio Interface Regulations (RIR). It can be used as a stand-alone application or as a plug-in to ICS Manager, ATDI’s automated spectrum management solution. Its editor functions allow regulators to create compatible FATs for comparison with other national regulators. The software features an integrated cartography engine that displays stations on a map for any given service or frequency band, both nationally and internationally.

ICS RF-allocations features a powerful engine that enables regulators to build and publish detailed documentation about the national FAT, enabling spectrum users to search allocations for any area or country.

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ICS RF-allocations can be used to create both a national FAT and RIR. Both options offer full editing functions and tracks modifications on a per-user or date basis.

Frequency Allocation Table Edition:

  • Text editor for services, applications and footnotes
  • Special characters for country flags and hyperlinks
  • Able to split frequency bands or merge consecutive ones
  • Create hyperlinks to Radio Interface Regulations, footnotes and documents
  • Content and note editor
  • Frequency-band edition to add new content across the different frequency band

Radio Interface Regulations Edition

  • Able to edit document header and body separately
  • Search function
  • Able to create hyperlinks
  • Sort RIR bodies by name, frequency and date
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ICS RF-allocations features a simple, intuitive user interface to produce spectrum charts for publication. Pre-defined spectrum user categories can prioritise spectrum use for military, security and civil applications and frequency bands can be classified by a format like exclusive bands, receive-only and license-free bands.

ICS RF-allocations offers various display, review and modify options giving the user a feature-rich interface for editing and updating records. Users can filter data by country, identify errors with hyperlinks within a frequency band and display several frequency bands simultaneously for comparison. Edit features allow users to add new frequency records and track changes through the lifecycle, modify records, alter text styles and display and edit with custom filters.

Create and display features include floating windows to show specific applications within a frequency band. Users can build a document library and display stations on a map for a given service or frequency band.

Various reports can be created and edited to show the FAT, RIR and other documents. Allocations and applications can be exported in different formats, which can then be edited with custom filters. And a search function detects documents and RIR not referenced by a frequency band.

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