ICS Portal

Front-end web service
License applications & approvals
Centralised database engine
Automated workflows
Frequency coordination
Operates with HTZ for technical analysis

Product Overview

ICS Portal is an Automated Spectrum Management Solution (ASMS) web service, which features a powerful spectrum engineering and database engine to allow complex spectrum coexistence, coordination, and workflows to be automated.

This front-end web service manages accounts, license application submissions, document management and billing. The web service seamlessly fits with ICS Manager for back-end services like frequency coordination, data management and process control. It is fully compatible with HTZ Communications and HTZ Warfare for technical analysis.

ICS Portal automates and integrates the daily tasks of spectrum regulators and forms part of ATDI’s automated spectrum management solution. Automated workflows are supported to simplify the user interaction with the web service, providing an easy-to-use interface for non-technical users.

This flexible portal solution allows spectrum users to consult a centralised database before making license applications for operating licenses and associated equipment. Regulators can review and approve applications, including their technical compliance, before issuing the licence. ICS Portal is fully customisable, allowing users to adapt the solution to meet their internal processes.

ICS Portal supports every aspect of the regulator’s role including complaint management, type approval, managing dealership licenses, import permissions, numbering and amateur radio license requests.

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ICS Portal supports flexible web-service portals. The web service provides an interactive connection between the front-end users (regulators or license applicants) and the back-end spectrum management solutions. This improves overall customer experience and automated workflow create operational efficiencies.

By leveraging web-based technologies, custom web or cloud-based applications,  stakeholders benefit from time savings, improved processes and customer services. Typically, these web-based portals are internal self-care portals or external business application portals. Each service is custom developed to specific end-user needs. The portal synchronises with a unified database to manage functions like end-to-end workflows or processes.

The ASMS system architecture features a classic three-tiered, client-server layout with each tier being physically separate. The Client application interfaces with the users and has no direct links to the DB for security and scalability.

The Application server is the middle or link layer, which features the majority of the business logic. This layer deploys multiple instances of the solution to provide horizontal scaling for improved performance.

The Database server (or data layer), stores data with connections provided at the application server level. This fault-tolerant, high-performance configuration enables the system to operate without fault.

The software features a custom user interface, allowing users to personalise the portal with their corporate branding for marketing purposes.

Check out our ICS Portal slideshow.

Allowing manual or batch import of technical parameters and automatic data validation. A geographical interface validates/modifies the position and height of the antenna.

Supporting the management of controlled version of the Master agreement for recent and historical versions. By default, the customer needs to accept the Master Agreement before continuing to work with the service.

Enabling external licensees to self-manage accounts for the assignment of admin rights and access and edit functions.

Enabling notifications to be issued by email and removed from the user’s view once actioned. Arbitrary notifications are managed by the system administrator.

Supporting integration with third-party finance tools and online payment services.

Automatically synchronises with HTZ Communications for spectrum engineering and ICS manager for database control. Manual approval is required for each critical part of the workflow and data synchronised at the database level and shared across applications. Data is automatically verified at the system level, during the application process, with the regulator verifying the application before acceptance.

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